Why is backup really important?

Recent studies suggest that more than 14.7 million Americans and 2.8 million Brits lose data every year. Sometimes this is due to computer issues such as a broken hard drive or a virus, other times people simply delete the wrong file. These stats show how easy it is to lose cherished pictures from your home computer or important documents from your work PC and in most cases it is impossible to get them back. To stop you from losing your data we created BackupBob, which safely stores all your files in the cloud and allows you to download them onto any computer.

How does BackupBob work?

BackupBob automatically uploads content to the cloud while you work. The software mirrors your computer and makes an exact copy of your files online. If you modify a file on your desktop the software will automatically replace the old version in the cloud. If you delete an unneeded document, BackupBob will delete the file on the cloud. If you accidentally delete a file from your computer you can go to the cloud and restore it (this option is available up to 30 days after the file has been deleted).

How do I restore my files?

If your computer breaks you can place all your files onto a new computer. Our desktop program BackupBob Restore is available on Windows and Mac and can be downloaded for free here.

Simply install the program, select the files you want to place back on your computer and click the restore button. All of your important files will now be back on your device.

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